What Do You Do After An Event, Pockets Weighed Down With Business Cards and Too Much To Do?
I spent the last several weeks on the road. I'm happy to be home.
At all those events, I reconnected with friends. Met new people. And I was exposed to a ton of information.
If you're like me, you'll make a point of attending conferences to advance your career, expand your network, and build your business.
I have to admit that when I first started going to conferences, I didn't really have a plan or a strategy. But the more I was exposed to people who are smarter than I am, I realized I should have a plan.
Right Now, This Very Minute Is When to Prepare for SynBioBeta 2019, Or Any Event You're Attending
Are you attending SynBioBeta for the first time?
SynBioBeta is one of the most exciting events of the year bringing together the founders, investors, thinkers and people who are changing the world with synthetic biology. The conference is one of the only places where you can see the future of biology by being around the people who are already creating and living it.