Grow Everything Live! A Spotlight on Scaling Biology with Ginger Dosier of Biomason and BIOME.

Join us for an exciting live recording of the Grow Everything podcast, where we sit down with Ginger Dozier of Biomason to explore how microbes could change the world. From growing bricks to building a more sustainable future, Ginger shares her incredible journey and introduces her latest venture, BIOME Consortia, which is all about harnessing the power of biology to solve big problems. Supported by sponsors like MilliporeSigma, BioLabs, NYU Langone, and IndieBio, this episode dives into the fascinating intersection of biology and technology. If you’re curious about the future of biotech and how it could revolutionize industries, this conversation is packed with insights you won’t want to miss.


  • 00:00:00 - Introduction and the Origins of Inspiration

  • 00:00:48 - Launching the Live Event

  • 00:01:26 - Behind the Podcast: Purpose and Vision

  • 00:02:34 - Acknowledgements and Industry Collaborations

  • 00:05:31 - Meet Ginger Dozier: Innovator Behind Biomason

  • 00:07:36 - Demystifying Synthetic Biology

  • 00:10:09 - Understanding the Bioeconomy

  • 00:13:30 - The Biomason Story: From Concept to Commercialization

  • 00:21:52 - Opportunities and Challenges in the Bioeconomy

  • 00:23:58 - The Microbiome's Role in Innovation

  • 00:26:17 - Building with Biology: The Microbiome and the Built Environment

  • 00:27:18 - The Biome Consortia: A New Vision for Collaboration

  • 00:29:16 - Unlocking Microbial Potential for Innovation

  • 00:31:56 - Navigating Bioeconomy Challenges and Innovations

  • 00:35:46 - Audience Q&A: Imagining the Future of Microbial Technology

  • 00:47:56 - Final Reflections and What's Next for Biomason

Topics Covered: biotech, bioengineering, precision fermentation, biomineratization, microbiome, biocement, biobricks, biome consortia, bio futures, bioeconomy, climate, sustainability, mining

Episode Links

Ginger Krieg Dosier on LinkedIn


BIOME Consortia


Biolabs@NYU Langone



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