Houston, We Have a Protocol: NASA's Kate Rubins on Biotech in Space.

Astronaut and molecular biologist Dr. Kate Rubins shares her groundbreaking work on the International Space Station, from being the first to conduct DNA sequencing in space to advancing biotechnology in a unique and challenging environment. Dr. Rubins explains how space affects biological processes, the tools being developed to study these effects, and how these advancements could revolutionize industries on Earth. Her insights into the future of space travel and exploration, including the potential for sustainable life on Mars, offer a glimpse into the exciting intersection of biology and space science.


  • 00:00:00 – The Next Giant Leap: Returning to the Moon After 50 Years

  • 00:00:18 – Adventures & Anecdotes: Nova Scotia to Space Conversations

  • 00:01:57 – Aliens & Engineering: A Dive Into the Sci-Fi Universe and Genetics

  • 00:05:25 – Space Dreams: Why Exploration Fuels Human Curiosity

  • 00:08:27 – Meet Dr. Kate Rubins: The Astronaut Changing the Game in Space Biology

  • 00:11:43 – The Real Lab in Space: Overcoming Challenges and Pushing Innovations

  • 00:18:45 – First PCR in Space: How Dr. Kate Rubins Made History with DNA Sequencing in Microgravity

  • 00:23:33 – Building for Mars: Synthetic Biology's Role in the Red Planet Mission

  • 00:25:03 – Closed Loop Systems: The Future of Space Sustainability

  • 00:27:41 – Is There Life on Mars? Exploring the Possibilities

  • 00:30:01 – Human Engineering: Could We Modify Ourselves for Space Survival?

  • 00:31:13 – Earth and Space: Integrating Biotech for Space and Beyond

  • 00:34:26 – The Moon Beckons: Our Next Step in Human Exploration

  • 00:35:37 – Unlocking Water on the Moon: What It Means for Future Missions

  • 00:38:56 – Looking Forward: Space, Technology, and the Future of Humanity

Episode Links

Kate Rubins


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