Three Reasons Why You Need a Marketing Plan

According to our recent survey, 80% of our subscribers do not have a written marketing or communications plan.


That's pretty astounding.

Without a plan, you have no direction. It's like trying to get someplace new without a map.

According to Benjamin Franklin, "If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail."

Your marketing plan doesn't have to be complicated.

You just need to write it down.

When you write it down, you get all sorts of benefits. Here are three:

First, you gain clarity. Your marketing plan should clarify your vision for your business. It should define a marketing strategy that aligns with your business goals.

Second, you gain focus. When you write your plan, you not only formalize your goals and objectives. You also formalize ideas and tactics and a timeline for getting things done.

Third, you'll gain the benefits of taking action. Nothing happens if you don't do something. So when you write down your marketing plan, you're taking a first and important step toward accomplishing your goals. You've got a roadmap. You can measure your progress against that.

A marketing plan doesn't have to be complicated. Ours fits on one page.

But you need to have the plan. And you need to write it down.

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