Announcing My New Book: How to Tell Your Life Science (Company) Story
You have to figure out your own story and your company’s story in a way that catches people’s attention and makes it interesting. You have to figure out how to tell the story in a way that is memorable - or sticky - and gets your audience asking for more.
We Rebranded Messaginglab. Here's Why
You may have noticed a small change. A new logo in our email signatures.
If you've visited the Messaginglab site, you'll have seen an update.
Let me share why we made those changes.
Your Company Story is Not About Technology
While we are interested in the work life-science companies do and their contribution to making the world better, the truth is we need to go deeper than products or the latest series funding.
NYC Small Business 100 Thank You
Earlier this year, messagingLAB was named II❤NYCSmall Business Thank You 100. This was awarded to 100 New York City small businesses that stayed open and thrived during the pandemic.
Bio-Manufacturing Rules OK
Once you’ve engineered your microorganism to produce your billion-dollar molecule, how are you going to scale up production?
In 2020, A16Z’s Vijay Pande and Judy Savitskay wrote a paper called, The Biggest Open Opportunity in Synthetic Biology, listing out the need for novel bio-manufacturing platforms.
Working with Nature is Unlocking (and Creating) Massive Economic Value
Last month, Boston Consulting Group and Hello Tomorrow released a report called Nature Co-Design: A Revolution in the Making, exploring the impact of harnessing nature's design principles, applying deep tech's Design-Build-Test-Learn cycle, and its economic implications.
Distributed Drug Manufacturing
Last week I mentioned, I've been obsessing over generic drug manufacturing.
This isn't an out-of-the-blue Karl Schmieder obsession. I've worked on communications projects for biopharma manufacturers and, for about a decade, have written about quality control issues associated with foreign manufacturers.
You Don't Need Permission
Two weeks ago, during one of SynBioBeta's Townhalls, synthetic biology pioneer Drew Endy reminded us to define the future.
Not Seeing Around Corners
I have to admit, I'd been writing a newsletter based on Rita Gunter McGrath's book SEEING AROUND CORNERS. McGrath is one of my favorite business strategist. Her work is practical and highly actionable.
My piece involved some sci-fi systems thinking and speculation about our post COVID-19 world. Ultimately I was unsatisfied with the draft, So, I put it aside and decided to write something else.
Love, Storytelling and Leadership In the Time of Pandemics
You would probably guess that it's easy to tell a story when times are good. The biggest challenge then is that everyone else is telling a good story. When there's a crisis and the world's been turned upside down, that's when leaders and their stories matter most. Here's why:
Messaginglab COVID-19 Resources
At Messaginglab, we value communications and connections.
I started this company to help life sciences companies better communicate with their audiences. The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic feels like one of those times when stories are more important than ever.
As the COVID-19 pandemic unfolds, I want to take a moment to share a few thoughts and updates on what I am doing to serve you and my clients.
Why Your Story Matters Now More Than Ever
Everything is different. A month ago, I was helping plan an April 30th consumer biotechnology conference. Two weeks ago, my co-organizers and I were discussing whether or not we should cancel the conference because of COVID19 news. Seven days ago, the pandemic was declared. New York City asked us to stay home. The U.S. declared a national emergency.
What Makes A Great Brand
In my last post, I wrote about brands and brand building. This week, THE ECONOMIST ran a story on brand building titled “It Has Never Been Easier to Launch a New Brand.” The article explains why you’re seeing so many new brands -- Harry’s, Allbirds, Casper, among them.
Why is it easier to launch a new brand?
Because it’s never been easier to identify, target, build, and connect with an audience. The thing that differentiates these new brands from the old incumbents is their story.
Are You Building a Brand?
In 2019, we helped redesign and launch two new brands.
Building those brands was a special treat for us since it required using the following skills: research, assembling a team of designers, packaging specialists, and specialty printers. It also required leadership skills.
Both brands are on the market and are doing well. Ask us about them.
If you are building a brand, you may need to start from the beginning.
When You Hear CRISPR, Do You Think DADA? Part 2
The artists at the Cabaret Voltaire supported and encouraged each other. Dada spread around the world and its influence is still felt today.
The Dadaists worked in visual, literary and sound media. They painted, wrote, photographed, performed. They also made chance encounters (meetings, conversations, collaborations) a part of their creativity.