Always Be Brewing: Continuous Fermentation with Cauldron's Michele Stansfield.

Karl and Erum discuss the fascinating world of biomanufacturing with Michele Stansfield from Cauldron. They explore the groundbreaking potential of precision fermentation and its ability to revolutionize food, fiber, and fuel production. Michele shares insights on Cauldron’s innovative hyper fermentation technology, which offers a more sustainable and cost-effective alternative to traditional methods. The discussion also touches on the company's ambitious plans to build smaller, smarter biomanufacturing facilities globally, and the need for sustainable solutions in the face of growing food insecurity and environmental challenges. Tune in to learn how Cauldron is poised to transform the future of biomanufacturing and address critical global issues!


  • 00:00:00 - Sustainability: What Consumers Really Do

  • 00:00:21 - Karl and Erum’s Holiday Adventures and Special Replay

  • 00:00:56 - Exclusive Replay: The Biomanufacturing Cloud Unveiled

  • 00:02:34 - Dive into Biomanufacturing with Edward Shenderovich

  • 00:04:42 - Why the World Desperately Needs More Biomanufacturing

  • 00:06:02 - Overcoming the Biggest Hurdles in Biomanufacturing

  • 00:08:28 - What Biomanufacturing Can Learn from Other Industries

  • 00:10:45 - Capital Challenges: Building Large-Scale Facilities

  • 00:12:00 - The Biomanufacturing Cloud: Making Production Accessible

  • 00:14:30 - Tech Transfer: Streamlining Production Processes

  • 00:16:10 - Standardizing Biomanufacturing: Why It Matters

  • 00:18:00 - Case Study: Success Stories in Biomanufacturing

  • 00:20:15 - Market Friction: Bridging the Gap Between Science and Production

  • 00:22:34 - Game-Changing Tools and Insights from Synonym

  • 00:26:41 - Synonym’s Vision for the Future of Biomanufacturing

  • 00:29:00 - Sneak Peek: Inside Synonym's First Biomanufacturing Facility

  • 00:29:08 - Designing the Future: Facility Challenges and Strategies

  • 00:31:34 - How Standardization is Revolutionizing Biomanufacturing

  • 00:33:12 - Can We Retrofit Old Factories for Biomanufacturing?

  • 00:35:53 - Why Consumer Education is Key to Biomanufacturing Success

  • 00:37:26 - Biomanufacturing's Potential Environmental Breakthroughs

  • 00:40:04 - What’s Next? Trends and Innovations in Biomanufacturing

  • 00:42:48 - The Future is Small: Distributed and Miniaturized Production

  • 00:45:33 - Wrapping Up: Key Takeaways and Future Outlook

Topics Covered: biotech, bioengineering, precision fermentation, continuous fermentation, hyperfermentation, australia, orange

Episode Links

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Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization Australia’s National Science Agency (CSIRO)

Main Sequence Ventures

Boston Bioprocess

Biobase EU

Liberation Labs


Blue Horizon



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