Networking Natural Selection 2.0: Next Level Biotech Networking with Karl & Erum.

Karl and Erum have an informative conversation about the importance of networking. They discuss the philosophy behind building meaningful professional connections and share effective networking strategies. From insights into the concept of networking as an extension of human curiosity to tips like dividing and conquering at events, Karl and Erum give a comprehensive guide on enhancing your networking skills. They also talk about the idea of being generous and genuinely interested in others to foster stronger, more impactful relationships. Be sure to tune in if you’re looking to improve your networking approach and build a robust professional network!


  • 00:00:00 Introduction to Networking and Podcast Feedback

  • 00:00:32 Innovative Breakthroughs in Biomanufacturing

  • 00:02:20 DNA Data Storage and the Fascinating World of Aerobiome Mapping

  • 00:06:23 Lanzatec's Game-Changing Carbon Capture Collaboration

  • 00:08:33 Networking Strategies: Stories from the Trenches

  • 00:10:45 Dividing and Conquering at Networking Events

  • 00:12:58 The Power of Authentic Connections

  • 00:15:30 Making the Most of Professional Gatherings

  • 00:17:45 The Role of Generosity in Networking

  • 00:22:59 Discovering Your Interests and Finding the Right Events

  • 00:29:20 Understanding Dunbar's Number: The Key to Effective Networking

  • 00:33:54 Redefining Your Approach to Networking

  • 00:38:49 Philosophical Insights: Networking in the Modern Age

  • 00:43:26 Cultural Differences in Networking: A Global Perspective

  • 00:44:19 Wrap-Up and Engaging with Our Audience

Topics Covered: business, networking, biotech, synbio, relationship building, sales, partnerships, social engineering

Episode Links

Networking Part 1 episode

Mapping The World’s Fungi from Air Samples

Lanzatech and Coty collaboration on carbon capture fragrance

Electric Skin

Never Eat Alone book

Dunbar’s Number

Gore company maxes at 150 per plant

5/25/50: The Secret of the Best Networker

Top books on how to network and build relationships


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